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Gates of Fire

Autor: Steven Pressfield Nakladatelství: Bantam Dell 5 lidí
Koupí tohoto produktu získáte 150 bodů.


150 Kč

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Popis knihy:

At Thermopylae, a rocky mountain pass in northern Greece, the feared and admired Spartan soldiers stood three hundred strong. Theirs was a suicide mission, to hold the pass against the invading millions of the mighty Persian army.

Day after bloody day they withstood the terrible onslaught, buying time for the Greeks to rally their forces. Born into a cult of spiritual courage, physical endurance, and unmatched battle skill, the Spartans would be remembered for the greatest military stand in history—one that would not end until the rocks were awash with blood, leaving only one gravely injured Spartan squire to tell the tale. . . .

Kód knihy: CIA000585
Autor: Steven Pressfield
Místo vydání: New York
Nakladatelství: Bantam Dell
Rok vydání: 2005
Vydání: 3.
Vazba: brož
Stav: velmi dobrý
Počet stran: 384
Obrazová příloha: Ne

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